

I went into the university and three years have already passed. It becomes a junior year from April, this year. It is early that time and the time pass. When looked back upon the two years so far, there were various things. Two years ago, it entered in Kumamoto Gakuen University and went into the British-American subject of study. There was [ that it is various and ] uneasiness whether a friend could do it at first. However, he can be leading now very pleasant school life. While I have studied from now on, I would like to introduce a favorite subject and the somewhat disagreeable subject.

Although there were many favorite subjects first, Japanese culture introduction and speaking were very pleasant also in it. Japanese culture introduction studied religion of Japan about the historical Japan culture at the present. I was very pleasant for me to have heard the teacher's talk from ancient times, since he liked Japanese history. there are many things learned only after going into having learned at the high school or a university, are studying, and they are true it was pleasant. I think that it was a subject currently studied while letting it pass for one year and he enjoyed himself very. It was a subject made to regard it as having studied again although it became a second grader and was lost. 

Next、It is speaking. actually talking in English at this lecture, or making a presentation other persons. I feel that it was found for things. Since it spoke about various things, talking with other persons in a lecture, the lecture at each time was very pleasant. Even if it became a second grader, speaking occurred, but I feel that it was very pleasant for both. Since such a subject will be lost if it becomes a third grader, somewhat lonely touch is carried out, and taking advantage of being a first grader and a second grader and having learned, a third grader also wants to do his best. 

Next, it is a subject which thinks was weak. There are two. It is German first at blindness in one eye. Nothing was understood although foreign languages other than English were studied for the first time in a university. Since everything was the start from zero, it was really weak. 
It was not understood at all that the teacher had said also during a lecture. The print which attends a lecture for the purpose of not being absent from a lecture once anyhow each time, and is distributed in a lecture was made desperate. There is also a portion which has got used little by little by favor, and it is 。. It is becoming somewhat pleasant the second half. 
However, difficulty went up and it was serious as it became in the second half. 

Another is psychology. Since it was from the 1st hour on Monday, he sometimes overslept and it was absent from this lecture. Even if he attended the lecture, it was sleepy anyhow, and he slept repeatedly, stripes were carried out, and the teacher's talk was not heard at all. Even if the contents moreover thought that it was very difficult and they would study, it was not understood how he should study. He studied seeing the print distributed during the lecture. It was not a pleasant lecture. I think whether psychology etc. had still been studied to man. 
I thought whether it was the beneficial a few lecture. 

Although it has looked back upon various lectures, I think that what is necessary is just to have considered now, and he did his best. Although I think in whether it tended for a while to play truant, I would like to do my best from a third grader. Since job-hunting activities also start still more, I would like to also make the preparations little by little from this winter. However, since it has not been decided yet by in to like to do what kind of work etc., it does not get impatient, but I wish to think slowly and to decide. I think whether since it is for two more years, a significant university life is passed during the remaining periods. I would like to do my best from now on. 


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