
Essay 1-02a about KGU

This school is very good university. bulding is very beautiful and atmosphere is very good. I like KGU very much. at first your very uneasiness. but you coming KGU. you change feeling. KGU is rearry good prace and most beautiful university in Kumamoto.

KGU library is very useful. there is very big library. it is the most biggest library in west-japan university library. there have about 8 bilion books. japanese novel, a foreign book, a foreign picture books. for example, this library have "The Japan Times" and "The Daily Yomiuri" this news paper is very useful for my homeworks. you need for study in library. please go to KGU library.

Student cafetelia is good. I always make use of this cafetelias. there's lunch is very good taste. there is very large cafetelias. you can eat noodle, udon, carryrice, and tantanmen. my favorite dish is tantanmen. this is very good taste. please make use of student cafetelias. and KGU bakely is good. this bakely is different at student cafetelias. this bakely exsist at bulding 12th first floor. this bakely good points is blead is cery good taste and prise is very cheep. please make use of student cafetelias and bakery.

English lounge is good atmosphere. this lounge is for exchange student stadying, relaxing, and talking with KGU student rooms. and was done some ivents of the year. April is fresh man camp. I went to fresh man camp last year. this is very eonjoyed. I enjoyed some games, talk with exchange students and tearcher's. then expect, lounge is good atmosphere. you can table soccer games, darts, and watch internet and you tube. there is very interesting room. this room is building 1st first floor. please come to English lounge.

At last, KGU is good prace in Kumamoto. very beautiful, large, good student and good teacher's. all academic sudjects is high quority. but forign laungage class is best academic subjects in the KGU. I think, you want to study in English, rerry good prace forign laungage class for you. and library, student cafeterias, Engllish lounge is rearry good place for you. please come to KGU forign laungage class.
[356 words]

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi~^^
    I wrote about English lounge too!
    but I have never gone there yet.
    but I looked into the room! haha^^
