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This is my team!!!
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Last weekend!!!
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This weekend‼
This weekend is I'm going to beachsoccer in Otachimisaki in Ashikita in Kumamoto prefecture. this beach is very beautiful. and very large. I like this beach. so this beachsoccer festival is I playing every year. this is very enjoyed. but it is very dengeurous. I worried whether not clash my body. but, I want to enjoy this beachsoccer festival.
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[60 words]
Early ideas
I like car. but I thought about one hundret years ago people was very terrible. now, car is very useful. the old days, car design is very simple and not hybrid car. but now, car design is very stylish, cool, cute, and many hybrid cars. I like a domestic car.
[114 words]
Saffron Hill.(2005).The Story of cars. London, England: Usborne.
essay 1-02B exchange student from over seas
I think write about exchange students from overseas in KGU from now. The KGU is studying Japanese, Japanese culture and some subjects. I’ve been to talk exchange students from now. How they live KGU, how they study all subjects. In last, concluding this essay. And they is information concretely write. I think write about. KGU is good place.
At first, they are using KGU library. I’m using this place too. KGU library is very big. Exchange students more using for they home works. This library has about 8 million books. They have books, newspapers and novels. But they usually use Japanese books, newspapers, and novels. I don’t use it is. But they are need to Japanese books, newspapers and novels for study and homework. This library has "Yomiuri newspaper" and some newspapers. This newspaper is very useful for they homework. You need for study in library. Please go to KGU library.
Student cafeteria is very unique. Sometimes, I’m use of this cafeteria. There are large cafeterias. You can eat carry rice, and higawari menu. My best lunch is hayashi rice. it is good. Please make use student cafeterias. And bakery is like. Bakery is different at student cafeterias. This bakery at building 12th first floor. This bakery good point is carry bled good taste and prize is very cheap. Please make use student cafeterias and bakery.
English lounge is good atmosphere. This place is KGU foreign language class student for talking with exchange student. They can play some games, watch internet and you tube, and can speak KGU student. Exchange student is always living here. For meet exchange student, you must coming English lounge. I enjoyed some games, talk with exchange students and tearcher's. you can table soccer games, darts, and watch internet and you tube. there is very interesting room. this room is building 1st first floor. please come to English lounge.
KGU is good place. beautiful, large, student and teacher's is good. foreign language class is the most best academic subjects it is. I think, if you want to study in English, really place foreign language class for you. library, student cafeterias, Engllish lounge is really place for you. Please come to KGU forign laungage class.
Last, I want to say to exchange student. “KGU is really good place in Japan” I want to study in English here. I like English very much. Exchange student and students, Let’s study English in KGU. Please come to KGU!!
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my hometown sunset!!
This picture is my hometown's sunset. this is very beautiful!!! my hometown is Minamata in Kumamoto prefecture. I took a piccture in beach with my girlfriend. when I was a look this picture, I thought "my hometown is No.1 town in the world. my hometown is very small town. but Minamata have very beautiful river, mountain, sea and view. I think it is vest. I like my hometown the vest. If you can come to Minamata, please come to Minamata.
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BR 1-03 The Story of Chocolate
Tasty inventions

This book is writing about chocolates story. I read this book at first. but I didn't know chocolate histery. A thousand years ago, chocolate was born. the first chocolate drinkers is who lived by the rainforest in central America. now I usually drink and eat chocolates. but a thousand years ago, don't drink whoever.
I think chocolate is very high-quality articles for peoples. but now, this is very cheep. I like chocolate very much. very sweet but very bitter. there is like. I want to eat chocolates meny. but overeats is bad your body. carefuly overeats chocolates. I want to know more chocolates histery. please tell me chocolates hitery.
This book is writing about chocolates story. I read this book at first. but I didn't know chocolate histery. A thousand years ago, chocolate was born. the first chocolate drinkers is who lived by the rainforest in central America. now I usually drink and eat chocolates. but a thousand years ago, don't drink whoever.
I think chocolate is very high-quality articles for peoples. but now, this is very cheep. I like chocolate very much. very sweet but very bitter. there is like. I want to eat chocolates meny. but overeats is bad your body. carefuly overeats chocolates. I want to know more chocolates histery. please tell me chocolates hitery.
[109 words]
Adam Larkum. (2004). The Story of Chocolates. London, England: Usborne.
Today is Sunday. started school from tommorrow. I woke up at 9:00 today. today's morning was very sleepiy. but I think "todat is sunday, I'll do my best!!" tommorrow is from 1st period I started. finished Golden weeks, but I must changed my feel for study. honesty, I wasn't study in university. but I must study. I feel good finished last week. I want to carefuly "Gogatsuviou", this is very dengeulus. I want to enjoy today. but I have many homework by lecture. very sad. from tommorrow, started school for one week. I want to fisht this week for next holoday.
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101 words.
Today is weekend. I tired this week. but today is Friday!!. I like Friday. because, this is weekend and I can woke up to midnight. but, I have many homework's by lecture. I'm very sad.
Today's weather is sun. but also I can't feel very hot.
46 words.
Today's weather is sun. but also I can't feel very hot.
46 words.
Oliver Kahn
I like Oliver Kahn. I playing soccer from 6. and my position is goalkeeper from 6.
he is my favorite soccer player in the world. I want to talk to him.
31 words.
Essay 1-02a about KGU
This school is very good university. bulding is very beautiful and atmosphere is very good. I like KGU very much. at first your very uneasiness. but you coming KGU. you change feeling. KGU is rearry good prace and most beautiful university in Kumamoto.
KGU library is very useful. there is very big library. it is the most biggest library in west-japan university library. there have about 8 bilion books. japanese novel, a foreign book, a foreign picture books. for example, this library have "The Japan Times" and "The Daily Yomiuri" this news paper is very useful for my homeworks. you need for study in library. please go to KGU library.
Student cafetelia is good. I always make use of this cafetelias. there's lunch is very good taste. there is very large cafetelias. you can eat noodle, udon, carryrice, and tantanmen. my favorite dish is tantanmen. this is very good taste. please make use of student cafetelias. and KGU bakely is good. this bakely is different at student cafetelias. this bakely exsist at bulding 12th first floor. this bakely good points is blead is cery good taste and prise is very cheep. please make use of student cafetelias and bakery.
English lounge is good atmosphere. this lounge is for exchange student stadying, relaxing, and talking with KGU student rooms. and was done some ivents of the year. April is fresh man camp. I went to fresh man camp last year. this is very eonjoyed. I enjoyed some games, talk with exchange students and tearcher's. then expect, lounge is good atmosphere. you can table soccer games, darts, and watch internet and you tube. there is very interesting room. this room is building 1st first floor. please come to English lounge.
At last, KGU is good prace in Kumamoto. very beautiful, large, good student and good teacher's. all academic sudjects is high quority. but forign laungage class is best academic subjects in the KGU. I think, you want to study in English, rerry good prace forign laungage class for you. and library, student cafeterias, Engllish lounge is rearry good place for you. please come to KGU forign laungage class.
KGU library is very useful. there is very big library. it is the most biggest library in west-japan university library. there have about 8 bilion books. japanese novel, a foreign book, a foreign picture books. for example, this library have "The Japan Times" and "The Daily Yomiuri" this news paper is very useful for my homeworks. you need for study in library. please go to KGU library.
Student cafetelia is good. I always make use of this cafetelias. there's lunch is very good taste. there is very large cafetelias. you can eat noodle, udon, carryrice, and tantanmen. my favorite dish is tantanmen. this is very good taste. please make use of student cafetelias. and KGU bakely is good. this bakely is different at student cafetelias. this bakely exsist at bulding 12th first floor. this bakely good points is blead is cery good taste and prise is very cheep. please make use of student cafetelias and bakery.
English lounge is good atmosphere. this lounge is for exchange student stadying, relaxing, and talking with KGU student rooms. and was done some ivents of the year. April is fresh man camp. I went to fresh man camp last year. this is very eonjoyed. I enjoyed some games, talk with exchange students and tearcher's. then expect, lounge is good atmosphere. you can table soccer games, darts, and watch internet and you tube. there is very interesting room. this room is building 1st first floor. please come to English lounge.
At last, KGU is good prace in Kumamoto. very beautiful, large, good student and good teacher's. all academic sudjects is high quority. but forign laungage class is best academic subjects in the KGU. I think, you want to study in English, rerry good prace forign laungage class for you. and library, student cafeterias, Engllish lounge is rearry good place for you. please come to KGU forign laungage class.
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Today's I go to in Tosu.
66 words
Family trip in Nagasaki
I visiting in Nagasaki today for familry trip. at first day, I visiting my cousin house in nagasaki. now, I relaxing in my cousin house. I drove in high way in kumamoto to fukuoka. I'm very tird. but at tonight, I think many drinks in beer.
47 words.
47 words.
BR 1-02. Titanic
This book is the most famous story "TITANIC". 1900s, from Ireland started big ship. this ship is most biggest ship in the world then. this ship made by about 100.000 peoples. but 1912s this ship is clashed in "iceberg". this is a big iceberg. and Titanic clashed by full speed. I think this case is the most big case in the world. I should forget this case.
When I was a high school, I read and look this book and this movie. but I don't know real story. this titanic. I like this story. so this story is documentary. I want to go titanic.
[104 words]
Claybourne, Anna & Daynes, Katie. (2006). Titanic. Usborne: New York.
group works Ideas for essays 1-01 about KGU library
For happy and successful student at KGU. my advice is go to a library. here library is big library. and have about 8 million books. so Japanese, english, Japanese and english news papers is have. I make use for search, for look newspapers, and home works. library is very useful. at another, have many DVDs in the library. Japanese movies, Hollywood movies have in the library. KGU library is very good place.
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